Give and Take

Affirmations produce change
Staff Writer

Career Affirmations

Career affirmations are positive statements of your professional life. You can boost self-confidence and align your mindset with your career goals.

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15 Self-Discovery Questions

Self-discovery questions are introspective queries aimed to help your better understand. They encourage reflection on goals, strengths, and weaknesses.

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Man working at beach in office attire
Viken Mikaelian

Time Management

Time management involves organizing and prioritizing tasks to use your available time efficiency. It helps you to boost productivity, reduce stress, and achieve a better work-life balance

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The Future of Planned Giving

The future of planned giving looks promising. With technology advancements and more personalized approaches, non-profit organizations are poised to harness the potential of planned giving.

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eBook Cover - 25 Ways to Influence Others

25 Ways to Influence Others

Influencing others is a skill that can be learned and developed into an art form. Here are some easy techniques to help you to develop your influence.