Primers & Webinars

Planned Giving Boot Camp
for Major Gifts Officers

Planned Giving Marketing Solutions

Free Tools and Downloads

Under construction ... but there's still some good stuff here...

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Find Direction With Our Guides

See the pocket guides below. They are your gateway to the planned giving world.

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Free Downloads to the Rescue

Over 50 free and 278 premium planned giving downloads.

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Vendor? Increase Your Visibility

If you serve the Major Gifts and Planned Giving World, get listed on our pages.

Planned Giving Pocket Guide
for Professional Gift Planners

This is the "insider’s guide" to what planned gifts can do for your donors and for your organization.

Planned Giving Pocket Guide
for Major Gifts Officers

Any planned gift is a major gift. Everyone on your team should know planned giving.

Planned Giving Pocket Guide for
Board and Philanthropists

Show donors and advisors how planned gifts work. Distribute at events or use as follow-up.